This is the official documentation for common_schema.
Documentation is available in the following formats:
Online HTML pages: these are located within the public repository, and are
MIMEd as text/html. At current, repository is in Google Code, and documentation
is found in this address: -
Bundled HTML pages, downloadable in archived format: the common_schema releases
include a documentation bundle, such that is version compatible with code.
Bundled documentation for latest version can be downloaded in this address: Other versions can be downloaded in the following address:
Inline help, accessible from within common_schema using the mysql
command line client or any other MySQL connector.
To search the help pages, invoke:call'search term');
The common_schema documentation covers all public interfaces, i.e. routines, views, tables. Anything that is not in the docs is considered to be private and subject to change without notice.