rdebug API
rdebug provides a debugging API, via stored routine calls.
Essentially, one can debug her stored routines by directly invoking rdebug's functionality, or may use/write custom GUI tools to do that.
rdebug is in alpha stage, and API or functionality are still subjected to change.
Initialization and attachment:
- rdebug_compile_routine(): Rebuild a routine with/without debugging info.
- rdebug_start(): Attach debugger to worker; begin a debugging session.
- rdebug_stop(): Clear debugging session; reset debugging data.
- rdebug_run(): Run worker until next breakpoint.
- rdebug_set_breakpoint(): Set/clear a breakpoint
- rdebug_step_into(): Enter next routine call (requires routine in debug mode); drill down the stack state.
- rdebug_step_out(): Run current routine to completion, stop upon returning to calling routine.
- rdebug_step_over(): Execute next statement without drilling down to possible routine code.
- rdebug_get_variable(): Get value of local or user defined variable.
- rdebug_set_variable(): Modify value of local or user defined variable.
- rdebug_watch_variables(): List user defined variables and local variables visible and used within current scope, with their current values.
- rdebug_set_verbose(): Turn verbose mode on/off
- rdebug_show_routine(): Show a routine's code, along with the outline of breakpoint positions.
- rdebug_show_routine_statements(): Show statement (breakpoint) IDs for a given routine.
- rdebug_show_stack_state(): Show worker's current stack state (applies to debugged routines only).
- rdebug_show_statement(): Show next statement to be executed by worker
- rdebug_verbose(): Invoke dump of worker's status: stack, variables, statement
- debugged_routines: List routines with rdebug's debugging info.