

candidate_keys_recommended: Recommended candidate key per table.




candidate_keys_recommended recommends a single candidate key per table, where such keys are available.

Follow discussion on candidate_keys for more on candidate keys.

This view assist in deciding whether assigned PRIMARY KEYs for tables are indeed the best candidate keys assigned. With InnoDB, where a PRIMARY KEY is of greater significance than secondary keys, it is important to choose the PRIMARY KEY wisely. Other candidate keys can be promoted to PRIMARY in place of a weak PRIMARY KEY.

The common utilization of this view would be to note down recommended keys which are not PRIMARY KEYs.


mysql> DESC common_schema.candidate_keys_recommended;
| Field                  | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| table_schema           | varchar(64)         | NO   |     |         |       |
| table_name             | varchar(64)         | NO   |     |         |       |
| recommended_index_name | longtext            | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| has_nullable           | bigint(67) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| is_primary             | bigint(67) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| column_names           | longtext            | YES  |     | NULL    |       |


Columns of this view:

  • table_schema: schema of candidate key
  • table_name: table of candidate key
  • recommended_index_name: name of recommended candidate key
  • has_nullable: 1 if any column in recommended index is NULLable; 0 if all columns are NOT NULL
  • is_primary: 1 if recommended key is PRIMARY, 0 otherwise.
  • column_names: names of columns covered by key


Show recommended candidate keys for tables in sakila

mysql> SELECT * FROM common_schema.candidate_keys_recommended WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='sakila';
| table_schema | table_name    | recommended_index_name | has_nullable | is_primary | column_names |
| sakila       | actor         | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | actor_id     |
| sakila       | address       | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | address_id   |
| sakila       | category      | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | category_id  |
| sakila       | city          | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | city_id      |
| sakila       | country       | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | country_id   |
| sakila       | customer      | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | customer_id  |
| sakila       | film          | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | film_id      |
| sakila       | film_actor    | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | actor_id     |
| sakila       | film_category | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | film_id      |
| sakila       | film_text     | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | film_id      |
| sakila       | inventory     | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | inventory_id |
| sakila       | language      | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | language_id  |
| sakila       | payment       | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | payment_id   |
| sakila       | rental        | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | rental_id    |
| sakila       | staff         | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | staff_id     |
| sakila       | store         | PRIMARY                |            0 |          1 | store_id     |

In the above we note that for all tables the recommended candidate key is indeed the PRIMARY KEY.


MySQL 5.1 or newer


candidate_keys, no_pk_innodb_tables, redundant_keys, sql_foreign_keys


Shlomi Noach
common_schema documentation